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Pikashow APK v10 7.0 11.1 mb

Pikashow APK v10 7.0 11.1 mb

Pikashow APK v10 7.0 11.1 mb

Pikashow APK v10 7.0 11.1 mb Movies Downloading And Entertainment App

Are you a movie or TV show lover? Do you wish to watch your favorite shows and movies on the go without spending money on subscriptions? If yes, then Pikashow APK v10 might be the perfect app for you. Pikashow is a popular streaming app for Android users that offers a wide range of movies and TV shows from different countries. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Pikashow APK v10 and how you can download it on your Android device.

Pikashow APK v10 7.0 11.1 mb

Pikashow APK v10 is a free streaming app for Android users that allows them to watch a variety of movies and TV shows. The app is popular among users because of its user-friendly interface and a vast collection of content from different countries, including India, the US, and the UK. Pikashow APK v10 is not available on the Google Play Store, but users can download it from other sources.

Features of Pikashow APK v10

Pikashow APK v10 comes with a wide range of features that make it a popular choice among Android users. Here are some of the key features of Pikashow APK v10:

  1. User-friendly interface: The app has a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows users to navigate through the app effortlessly.
  2. Wide range of content: Pikashow APK v10 offers a vast collection of movies and TV shows from different countries, including India, the US, and the UK.
  3. HD Quality: The app offers high-quality video streaming in 720p and 1080p.
  4. Free: Pikashow APK v10 is a free app, and users do not have to pay any subscription fee to use it.
  5. Regular updates: The app is regularly updated with new movies and TV shows.

Compatibility of Pikashow APK v10

Pikashow APK v10 is compatible with all Android devices running on Android 4.4 and above. The app also supports Firestick and Android TV.

How to download Pikashow APK v10 on Android?

As mentioned earlier, Pikashow APK v10 is not available on the Google Play Store. However, users can download the app from other sources. Here is how to download Pikashow APK v10 on your Android device:

  1. Open a web browser on your Android device.
  2. Type “Pikashow APK v10 download” in the search bar.
  3. Click on the first link that appears in the search results.
  4. Download the APK file from the website.

How to Install Pikashow APK v10 on Android?

Once you have downloaded the APK file, follow these steps to install Pikashow APK v10 on your Android device:

  1. Open the downloaded APK file.
  2. Go to the settings of your Android device.
  3. Click on the “Security” option.
  4. Enable “Unknown Sources.”
  5. Install the Pikashow APK v10 on your Android device.

How to use Pikashow APK v10?

Using Pikashow APK v10 is quite simple and straightforward. Here are the steps to use Pikashow APK v10:

  1. Open the app on your Android device.
  2. You will see different categories such as Movies, TV Shows, Live TV, and others.
  3. Choose the category you want to watch.
  4. Select the movie or TV show you want to watch.
  5. Click on the “Play” button to start streaming the content.
  6. You can also download the content for offline viewing.

Is Pikashow APK v10 safe to use?

Pikashow APK v10 is a third-party app, and users should exercise caution while using it. Although the app is free to use, it may contain ads that could compromise the user’s privacy and security. Additionally, the app may also contain pirated content, which is illegal to watch. Therefore, users should use Pikashow APK v10 at their own risk and take appropriate measures to protect their privacy and security.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is Pikashow APK v10 free to use?

Yes, Pikashow APK v10 is a free app, and users do not have to pay any subscription fee to use it.

Q2. Is Pikashow APK v10 legal?

Pikashow APK v10 is a third-party app, and it may contain pirated content. Therefore, users should use the app at their own risk and take appropriate measures to protect their privacy and security.

Q3. Can I download content from Pikashow APK v10?

Yes, users can download the content for offline viewing.

Q.4 Is Pikashow APK v10 compatible with Firestick and Android TV?

Yes, Pikashow APK v10 is compatible with Firestick and Android TV.

Q5. Where can I download Pikashow APK v10?

Pikashow APK v10 is not available on the Google Play Store. However, users can download the app from other sources.


Pikashow APK v10 is a popular streaming app for Android users that offers a vast collection of movies and TV shows from different countries. The app is easy to use and comes with a user-friendly interface. However, users should exercise caution while using the app as it may contain pirated content. Additionally, users should take appropriate measures to protect their privacy and security while using the app.

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